




The action takes place in our days. A young, creative team of Russian and Kazakh TV crews dispatched from Almaty to Afghanistan to film the documentary "In the Footsteps of Alexander of Macedon." Accompany and protect them called Marat Ayumov, a former soldier-internationalist who fought in Afghanistan and who lost his legs there. He is fluent Farsi, is familiar with local customs, traditions and Afghan "laws". Because of driver error band is at the wrong time in the wrong place, and the usual business trip turns into a dangerous adventure that leads them to forget about the original purpose of the trip. To save young people can only marvel, and as it turns out, their conductor. He once served as part of a "Muslim Battalion" GRU Soviet Union under the command of legendary Afghan war, the Kara-major, and he has his reasons for returning to the place of fighting, not related to the broadcasters - he is looking for the grave of a friend lost a lot in Afghanistan years ago Kazakhstan's first film having a 3D-version Kazakhstan's offcial submission to the 84th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film


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